GPDB: Configuring Your Systems

1 IP Fragmentation Settings 2 Networking 本文为摘录,原文为: 1 IP Fragmentation Settings IP Fragmentation Settings When the Greenplum Database interconnect uses UDP (the default), the network interface card controls IP packet fragmentation and reassemblies. If the UDP message size is larger than the size of the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of a network, the IP layer fragments the message. (Refer to...

Greenplum 部署最佳实践: 网络篇

1 使用高速硬件,降低节点间的延迟 2 尽量降低网络中断的次数。 3 尽量提高每一个数据包的有效载荷 本文为摘录,原文为: attachments/pdf...

Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)

1 SCTP Associations 2 Using Multiple Interfaces 3 Streams 4 Association ID 5 Rec & Send 6 CDB with SCTP? 7 SCTP Interface Model 7.1 two types of SCTP sockets 7.2 The One-to-One Style 7.3 The One-to-Many Style 本文为摘录,原文为: 1 SCTP Associations SCTP 的联合 (association) 类似于 TCP 的连接 (connection) , 但又有不...