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1 autotiling 2 swaynagmode 2.1 swaynag (sway-1.8) crash… 3 chrome 启动慢 用了一段时间的 hyprland, 其 UI 和易用性都很不错,但可能是因为还处于功能的积极开发中,稳定性还差点, 在 session 退出, 或者断...

September 7, 2023 · Yang, Ying-chao

google chrome in hyprland

1 google chrome in hyprland 2 Weird crash when running chrome with: –gtk-version=4 1 google chrome in hyprland Hyprland is cool, but it may not work smoothly on default Google Chrome. The borders appear distorted and blurry. To resolve this issue, simply open the Chrome settings, navigate to appearance (chrome://settings/appearance), and enable “Use system title bar and borders.” Afterwards, restart the browser. 2 Weird crash when running chrome with: –gtk-version=4 This happens when use GTK theme as shown in above screenshot....