
Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)

本文为摘录(或转载),侵删,原文为: https://www.linuxjournal.com/article/9749

1 SCTP Associations

SCTP 的联合 (association) 类似于 TCP 的连接 (connection) , 但又有不同:

The Design and Implementation of Modern Column-Oriented Database Systems

The mapping of oid and relfilenode in PG

本文为摘录(或转载),侵删,原文为: https://www.highgo.ca/2021/01/12/the-mapping-of-oid-and-relfilenode-in-pg/

A table in PostgreSQL has a relfilenode value, which specifies the file name of the table on disk (except foreign table and partition table). In general, this value can be found in the relfilenode field of the pg_class table, but there are some specific tables whose query result in the relfilenode field is 0. This blog will explore the kernel processing of these special tables relfilenode.

The Part of PostgreSQL We Hate the Most

本文为摘录(或转载),侵删,原文为: https://ottertune.com/blog/the-part-of-postgresql-we-hate-the-most/

1 什么是多版本并发控制?

  • 在 DBMS 中,MVCC 的目标是在可能的情况下允许多个查询同时读取和写入数据库而不相互干扰。
  • MVCC 的基本思想是,DBMS 永远不会覆盖现有行。
    • 对于每个(逻辑)行,DBMS 维护多个(物理)版本。
    • 当应用程序执行查询时,DBMS 根据某个版本排序(例如创建时间戳),确定要检索哪个版本以满足请求。


The Vertica Analytic Database- C-Store 7 Years Later

本文为摘录(或转载),侵删,原文为: attachments/pdf/3/The Vertica Analytic Database- C-Store 7 Years Later (p1790_andrewlamb_vldb2012).pdf


  • Vertica 是 C-Store 的商业化成果


2.1 Design Overview

2.1.1 Design Goals

  • Designed for analytic workloads rather than for transactional workloads