A Close Look at a Spinlock – Embedded in Academia
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自旋锁 (spinlock) 是多处理器操作系统提供的最基本的互斥原语。自旋锁需要保护当前 CPU 免受抢占(通常通过禁用中断,但我们会在本文中忽略这个方面),并且还需要防止其他核心同时访问临界区(通过使用原子内存操作)。正如其名称所示,尝试获取已锁定的自旋锁会简单地自旋:它们会消耗 CPU 时间:
- 我们不希望长时间持有自旋锁,
- 当持有自旋锁时,我们当然也不希望被抢占。
很多年前,人们提出了基于标准内存操作(加载和存储)的自旋锁实现方式。Eisenberg&McGuire 和 Lamport Bakery 是其中的例子。具有弱内存模型(包括 x86 和 x86-64)的现代多核处理器破坏了这些算法的朴素实现,尽管可以通过添加内存屏障来修复,但由此产生的代码效率不如使用硬件支持的原子内存操作来得高,这些操作比加载和存储更为强大,例如 test-and-set, compare-and-swap, and load-linked / store-conditional
自旋锁并不需要太复杂,我们可以使用 GCC 的原子内置函数编写一个相当通用的用户态自旋锁。
这里的想法是, lock
字段在锁空闲时保存 0
,在锁被持有时保存 1
。要获取锁,我们使用比较和交换(compare-and-swap)操作,尝试将 lock 字段中的 0
更改为 1
-— 关键是*比较和交换的执行是原子的* 。 __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST
这种自旋锁的一个问题是在竞争情况下可能导致不公平:如果多个核心试图进入临界区,实际上是处理器的内存子系统在选择谁可以进入。在我拥有的一台随机的 AMD 机器上,很容易看到在竞争激烈时,一些核心访问临界区的次数远远多于其他核心。为了使对临界区的访问更公平,我们可以创建强制 FIFO 访问的自旋锁。这是实现这一点的简单方法:
在这里,当 front =
back= 时,锁是自由的,而等待进入临界区的线程数是 =front - back - 1=。这个比喻与 Lamport 面包店的情况相同:线程在请求进入临界区时会得到递增的票号,它们按照票号递增的顺序获得进入权限。通过在一个大型多核处理器上进行一些实验,发现这种自旋锁在高争用情况下也非常公平。
On most platforms, the Linux kernel currently uses a “queued spinlock” that has a pretty complicated implementation. It is spread across several files but the bulk of the logic is here. The rest of this post will ignore that code, however, and rather focus on Linux’s spinlock for 32-bit ARM platforms, which has a lot going on that’s fun to dissect. Here’s the code for acquiring a lock; I’ll refer to it by line number in the rest of this post. But first, here’s the data structure for this spinlock, the code is a bit messy but basically it’s just saying that we can look at the spinlock data either as a 32-bit int or else as a pair of 16-bit ints; these are going to work in the same way as front and back in the ticket spinlock above. Of course this spinlock will fail if anyone manages to create a machine containing enough 32-bit ARM cores that more than 65535 of them end up contending for the same spinlock. Seems safe enough.
The prefetchw() call at line 62 turns into a pldw instruction. I don’t have any idea why it is advantageous to prefetch a value so close to where it is actually needed. [UPDATE: Luke Wren and Paul Khuong pointed out on Twitter that this is to reserve the cache line for writing right off the bat, instead of reserving it for reading and then a bit later reserving it for writing.]
The inline assembly block at lines 64-71 is for grabbing a ticket number; it is functionally equivalent to the _ _atomic_add_fetch() in the ticket lock above. GCC inline assembly is never super easy so let’s dig in. Line 69 specifies the outputs of the inline assembly block: it is going to write values into three variables, lockval, newval, and tmp, and these are going to be referred to respectively as %0, %1, and %2 in the assembly code. These are “virtual registers” that the compiler will map to physical registers as it sees fit. Line 70 specifies the inputs to the inline assembly block: the address of the lock struct will be virtual register %3 and the constant 1<<16 will be stored in virtual register %4. Finally, line 71 specifies the “clobbers” for this inline assembly block: machine state not mentioned anywhere else that is going to be overwritten by the assembly. “cc” tells the compiler that it may not assume that the condition code flags will have the same values after this block executes that they held on entry.
Next we have five ARM instructions to look at. Together, ldrex and strex are a load-linked / store-conditional pair. This is a quirky but powerful mechanism supporting optimistic concurrency control — “optimistic” because it doesn’t prevent interference, but rather allows code to detect interference and recover, usually by just trying again, which is what happens here. Ok, into the details. The ldrex from %3 accomplishes two things:
- the 32-bit contents of the lock struct (pointed to by %3) are loaded into virtual register %0, aka lockval
- the memory location containing the lock struct is tagged for exclusive use
Next, lockval is incremented by 1<<16 and the result is stored into newval (virtual register %1). It is easy to prove that this addition does not change the low 16 bits of this value, but rather increments the value stored in the high 16 bits by one. This gives us a new ticket value that will be used to determine when we get access to the critical section.
Next, the strex instruction either stores newval (%1) back into the lock struct, or doesn’t, depending on whether anyone has touched the lock struct since we marked it for exclusive use (in practice there are other conditions that can cause loss of exclusivity but they don’t matter for purposes of this spinlock). Additionally, the success or failure of the store is recorded in tmp (virtual register %2). We’re not used to seeing an error code for stores to RAM but that’s exactly how this works. Next, tmp is tested for equality against zero, and finally if tmp is non-zero we branch back to the ldrex, indicating that we lost exclusivity, the store failed, and we need to try this sequence of operations again.
So what have we seen so far? The five ARM assembly instructions implement a little spin loop that grabs a new ticket value, retrying until this can be done without interference. Since the race window is short, we can hope that the expected number of retries is very close to zero.
Lines 73-76 are comparatively easy: this is the actual spinlock where we wait for ourselves to be the customer who is currently being served. This happens when “next” and “owner” are the same value. In the expected (no-contention) case the loop body here never executes. Keep in mind that lockval holds the state of the spinlock struct before we incremented the next field, so a quiescent spinlock would have had those values being the same when we arrived.
wfe() is a macro for the wfe (wait for event) instruction, which puts our core into a low power state until someone tells us it’s time to wake up — below we’ll look at how the unlock code makes that happen. Once awakened, our core uses Linux’s READ_ONCE() macro to load from the low half of the spinlock struct, which hopefully allows us to escape from the while loop. READ_ONCE() is shorthand for casting a pointer to “pointer to volatile” and then loading through that pointer — this lets the compiler know that it is not allowed to cache the value of “owner.” If that happened, this would turn into an infinite loop.
Finally, the smp_mb() at line 78 creates a memory barrier instruction that stops memory accesses inside the critical section from being reordered with respect to memory accesses outside of the critical section, from the point of view of other cores in this system.
Releasing this spinlock has three parts. First, another memory barrier to stop unfriendly reorderings. Second, increment the “owner” part of the spinlock struct. This is going to require three instructions: a load, an add, and a store, and none of these instructions are special synchronization instructions. This is OK because at this point we hold the lock and nobody else is allowed to change the owner. The high half of the word (containing next) can be changed behind our back — but that doesn’t matter because we’re only touching owner using 16-bit load/store instructions. Finally, dsb_sev () turns into a data synchronization barrier (ensuring that everyone can see our update to the owner field) and a sev (signal event) instruction, which causes all cores sleeping on a wfe instruction to wake up and continue executing. And we’re done!
November 6, 2021